Join STACS Inc. at the Toronto Congress Centre on January 9th and 10th, 2013:
Masterlock presents STACS “Fundamentals of a Successful Hazardous Energy Control Program” with Brian Fish:
Brian Fish, CRSP, is a consultant with STACS Inc. and has accumulated 24 years of experience as a health, safety and environmental manager in the food processing and metals distribution fields, as well as a broad exposure to the construction, manufacturing and retail trades in his current consulting capacity.Mr. Fish provides expertise in the following areas:
Occupational hygiene programs, including air and noise monitoring.
Training programs covering over 30 topics, including accident investigation, Workplace Inspection, WHMIS, Workplace Violence, Emergency Response, Confined Space Entry and Fall Protection.
Worksite Inspections and Corrective / Remedial Action Plans.
Development / implementation of client-specific safety and environmental programs, including policy and procedure writing, compliance plans and strategic planning relating to health & safety.
Mr. Fish holds the following credentials/accreditations:
Graduate, Safety Engineering Technology, Humber College
CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional)
AST (Applied Science Technologist)