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Working at Heights

Are You Prepared for the Working at Heights Standard?

As you are no doubt aware, the Ontario Ministry of Labour is in the final stages of consultation and review regarding a new Working at Heights Standard.

The Standard is expected to become mandatory for the construction sector in the summer of 2014. Plans are in place to expand the Standard to include all sectors (i.e. Industrial, Mining, Health Care, etc.) at a later date.

There are a number of components within the Standard that will directly affect your Fall Prevention & Protection Program. Specifically;

1. The length and scope of fall protection training sessions will be mandated.

2. Once implemented, the Standard will require that fall protection training be conducted only by approved training organizations.

Given the critical nature of fall protection in the workplace, Ontario employers can expect the Standard to be aggressively enforced once enacted into legislation. STACS Inc. has revised its already-extensive Working at Heights training sessions to ensure compliance with the pending Standard. We are also awaiting final details from the MOL regarding the approval process for fall protection training organizations. In short, we will be in a position to hit-the-ground-running once all of the details of the Standard become available.

Please be advised that at this time (April 1, 2014), no approvals have been issued by the Ministry of Labour. So be aware of those advertisements where companies are claiming that their programs and facilitators have been awarded approval.

STACS Inc. can assist you in meeting the new Standard by ensuring that your workers are provided with the skills and knowledge necessary to work at heights in a safe manner. As a current STACS client, you’ve witnessed our training services first-hand; we have an unparalleled ability to deliver technical information in a manner that all participants can retain and use in real life situations. For more information on how we can assist you with your working at heights program (or other facets of your safety program), please email us at or give us a call at 416.540.2673.

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